We’ve had a busy year at Sonlight, as we've been blessed with many new homeschoolers joining our family. We count it a blessing to guide new parents on this amazing journey that can be enjoyed for many years to come.
Years ago, I wanted to support Sonlight students as they pursued their callings. I also wanted evidence as to how well Sonlight prepares students for college. So we started the Sonlight Scholarship Foundation. Each year the scholarship committee carefully evaluates the stack of applicants, selects the winners, and awards $4,000 to $20,000 in total to each.
If your Sonlight student will start college in 2021, she or he should apply now before the December 1, 2020 deadline.
Your student can choose the category for which to apply: one that prioritizes academic achievement, or one that prioritizes mission-mindedness, creativity, and acts of kindness.
Click here to learn about eligibility and meet the 2020 winners.
I recently learned what some past scholarship winners are up to now. I asked them how Sonlight had helped prepare them for college and beyond. What fun to get these updates! After using Sonlight in their homeschool, these young adults have finished undergraduate studies and are following their callings.

“Sonlight taught me to retain lots of information and how to juggle reading multiple books at once while making parallels and applications between all of them. Experience balancing that a heavy workload and understanding how to relate different subjects/materials to each other was very helpful when I got to college."
—Hannah B.
Hannah B. graduated from University in Lynchburg, VA in 2020 with a Bachelor's Degree in Strategic Communication with a double minor in English and Global Studies. She is now married and working as a content developer and writer in the corporate marketing team at a large regional roofing company.

“Sonlight prepared me to learn and think for myself, which prepared me to engage with our broken world. I found that Sonlight gave me a stronger foundation in both academics and personal development than many of my peers.”
—Bobby N.
Bobby N. is currently serving as an armor officer in the United States Army after graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2020. Bobby studied Computer Science with Honors and Latin American Regional Studies there, and was a recipient of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship during his junior year

“Due to reading so many books growing up while being homeschooled, Sonlight Curriculum helped equip me for college with a solid foundation in vocabulary, reading comprehension and critical thinking, all of which were a great aid in writing papers. Being homeschooled also taught me the discipline of completing homework on my own in order to turn in assignments on time.
I am also thankful for the scholarship opportunities offered by Sonlight which helped me pursue the calling God had placed in my heart to study dance at ORU.”
—Evangeline B.
Evangeline B. received her Bachelor of Arts in Dance Performance at Oral Roberts University. She is currently dancing (and holds an administrative position) with Instruments Ballet Company in Portland, OR., a professional Christian ballet company using dance as a ministry on a professional level as a non-profit organization.

“Studying with Sonlight taught me the importance of finding joy in learning. Sonlight made me realize that learning can be fun and engaging, not just a chore. When I got to college I started as a nursing major. After two years I realized that school had become a chore again and I wasn't enjoying learning as I had for most of my life. So I switched majors to something I enjoyed and found appealing. I am so happy I did!
I found Sociology and social research which is such a better fit for me. Learning with Sonlight gave me the freedom to explore the topics and methods of learning that I enjoyed. It was a nice reminder that I can enjoy learning. To this day I am committed to being a lifelong learner and believe graduate school is in the near future.”
—Keila R.
Keila R. graduated in 2019 from Calvin College (now Calvin University) with honors in Sociology and a minor in International Development Studies. Keila is currently a research specialist at Calvin University's Center for Social Research.

“Being homeschooled with Sonlight gave me the ability to be self-motivated about my studies. This put me way ahead of my university peers. It’s served me well in my undergrad and at medical school.”
—Grace G.
Grace G. is studying to serve her community as a physician. She graduated in 2018 from the University of California San Diego and is now in medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
All this from students who used a literature-based curriculum through high school. I love the diversity of what Sonlight students go on to accomplish!
This list reminds me that Sonlight provides a broad education that teaches students how to think and grow. That, in turn, prepares them for all sorts of careers—including the worthy task of possibly homeschooling their own children someday! Every scholarship winner that I have had the privilege to talk with is articulate, thoughtful, and clearly has a heart for the Lord. They all want to follow God's call in their lives.
Please keep Sonlight scholarships in mind, whether or not your child has stellar test scores; if he or she has a heart for serving the Lord and wants to put a college education to good use; or, if your young adult has noble, independent pursuits in life, I encourage them to apply.
Perhaps this message solely serves to remind you that Sonlight really does work. If your children have plans other than college, you are still serving them well through giving them such a well-rounded and robust education.
The point isn't to raise children who win scholarships. The goal is to raise children equipped to do whatever God calls them to. I pray that Sonlight is helping you do just that.