Prayer Puts Books Out of Print?

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Years ago Sonlight carried the book "From Arapesh to Zuni." This book introduced your children to 26 different people groups who did not have the Bible in their language.

After a few years we had to replace it with the next book in the series "From Akebu to Zapotec" because the 26 people groups from Araphesh to Zuni now had Scripture in their native tongue.

Praying for People Around the World

I've heard stories of people praying unwholesome businesses out of business. But this is closer to home. This involves your children joining with other kids around the world asking God to provide His Word to people without access to the Bible. And God has done just that.

As your family prays for the Akebu and the Zapotec (and all the people in between), I look forward to the day when we'll have to replace that title with a new one because God has moved in response to your faith and faithfulness. I'm normally not a fan of Sonlight titles going out of print, but in this case, I'm thrilled to make an exception.

What else is your family praying for?

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester

Word of the Day
Obdurate: persistent in wrongdoing; stubbornly impenitent

Brought to you by Vicki Tillman

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[...] Have your children been inspired by the missionary stories you've read together? Do you pray for unreached peoples and the friends and family members who aren't connected with Christ? Have you had the joyous opportunity to give money to see the Gospel brought to others? Do your kids share the love of Jesus in other ways? If so, that is awesome! We've had to replace one of the books in Sonlight's curriculum because the people groups in that book have all had the opportunity to get to know Jesus. [...]

[...] One of the incredible benefits of reading missionary biographies is that missions work is ongoing. This means that we have the opportunity to see the impact of the past on things happening today (for example, the excitement of prayer putting books out of print). [...]


[...] the prayer book that went out of print, due in part to the prayers of Sonlight students around the world? Prayer changes [...]

Amy Corley

This caught my eye because my two girls (8 & 6) and I are beginning Core 1 and we have been reading that book. Just today my daughter said, "Mom, maybe we can pray this book out of print too!!" Thanks for these amazing books that open up the world to our kids (and us!).


Oh, that is wonderful! I will tell my kids. I know we still have that book around. I always wondered. We so enjoyed praying through it that year. 100 Gateway cities was good, too, last year, but I wondered if it, too, could be updated. Great stuff!

The Reader

(hi Valerie! -- I'm thankful for the small world feeling I get from using SL and hanging out on the forums, "meeting" users working with these language groups. So very cool to read the book and think on the families we "know" from the forums working in these areas......)

Luke, your last paragraph you kept Zuni, where I think you mean the new one :)


We are thankful people who pray because of Sonlight's use of this book since we work with one of the Zapotec groups. (There are about 40 different kinds of Zapotec, all related but all distinct.) Our translation, which is in my husband's first language, should be done in another five years. The rest of the Zapotecs are accounted for: translations are done, being worked on or someone will soon start learning the language.
We have used Sonlight for nine years and love the missionary focus! Like you, we'll be happy to see From Akebu to Zapotec out of print!