No Longer Alone

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Ever feel like you have to do it all?

As homeschoolers we often relish our independence. Of course, we can also feel completely overwhelmed with the enormity of some of our tasks. This feeling of inadequacy is amplified when we feel uninformed about a particular topic. Thankfully, we are not alone. Sonlight continues to be committed to providing you with communities where you can find suggestions, encouragement and support on your homeschool journey.

For the past couple years, I've been going at this blog alone. As of today, that is starting to change. We still don't know exactly what the future holds, but I will no longer be the sole voice here on the Sonlight blog.

What's changing?

Right now we are consolidating all the blogs we've been running. Box Day stories will now be available here. Sarita's bi-weekly "Word" will be a regular feature on Sonlight Blog. You will also find fantastic posts from Judy, a veteran homeschool mom.

We plan to have even more people share here... but those details aren't fully fleshed out yet.

What's not changing?

I'll still be here. I'll still post regularly.

It's time for Sonlight's blog to become more than just my musings about Sonlight and homeschooling. It's time for others to join in giving you even more great content. They will be able to share from their experience and knowledge. You'll get the benefit of multiple perspectives on homeschooling and even more people to turn to when you feel overwhelmed.

I am super excited about expanding Sonlight's blog to be even more helpful for you.

Bear with me as I move some content around and get things setup.

Are there any topics you'd really like to learn more about? Is there someone at Sonlight you'd love to here from? How has the Sonlight community recently encouraged you in your homeschool journey?

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester

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[...] blog changed as well. We moved to a new platform and brought more bloggers on board. We also had some awesome [...]


Thanks, Seashells! <smile>


Seashells Mommy

I'm happy to know you'll stick around! :o)