My name is Luke Holzmann. I am the second oldest of four children of John and Sarita Holzmann who founded Sonlight Curriculum.
Photo from My Wedding July 10, 2005:
Justin, Jonelle, Me, Amy, John, Sarita
I was homeschooled with Sonlight as it was developed from 1st through 8th grade. I then attended a public high school and graduated Valedictorian with somewhere around 19-21 Letters (swimming, cross country, academics, band, track, forensics...).
I then attended Biola University with academic and swimming scholarships. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Mass Comm department with a degree in Motion Picture Production and the "Best Independent Filmmaker" award.
I moved to Englewood, married my college sweetheart Brittany, started my own production company, and produced videos for Sonlight (including MathTacular). I also run a free film school over at
Brittany and I were in the process of adopting children, and so I needed something with slightly more reliability and benefits than working as an Independent Contractor could afford. Thus, I applied for the role of "Media Relations Specialist" at Sonlight Curriculum where I now blog regularly, produce videos, and update the website among other things.
While waiting on the adoption, we took in two girls for many months. After they went back to their parents, and with the start of 2011, our adoption journey ended. In 2013 we hosted my cousin from Germany for a year.
On Saturday's, my wife and I host Movie Night. High school and college-aged kids -- "our kids" -- show up and stay until about midnight. Several will stop by throughout the week to hang out as well. It's amazing.
In February of 2018, we were blessed with a daughter. She's a little young, but we're planning to use Sonlight when the time comes.
We've covered the "Filmmaker" and "Surrogate Father/Empty Nester/Guardian/Pseudo-Dad" bits of my signature line, so what about the "Writer" part?
Well, I am blog here. I'm also a published author. And I'm working on a completely different book with my best friend from college. I also write poetry for fun and novels for NaNoWriMo.
So, there it is: Luke Holzmann's biography in about 500 words.
Please feel free to ask about whatever else if you're interested in learning more.
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Father
[…] while driving or cleaning or folding clothes is a great way to make mundane tasks more enjoyable. Luke shared how he had been able to listen to the Bible all the way through multiple times in a few […]