You’ve probably heard it: Love to Learn, Love to Teach, Guaranteed. I get great joy from helping families love to learn together. But you may wonder what it actually means to love to learn? What does that look like?
Do I really think your child will suddenly want to just stay home and read the encyclopedia just because you start homeschooling with Sonlight? Do I think your kids will spontaneously break out in this hilarious studying, studying spoof?
Well, no. There’s nothing wrong with reading the encyclopedia or rejoicing at the chance to do hard math. Some kids are really into that. But it doesn’t have to look like that. And for most homeschooled kids, it doesn’t.
But My Kids Don't Beg to Do School
So don’t worry. Your kids can love to learn even if:
- They don’t sit still for seatwork every day.
- They would rather play outside with friends than do their math.
- They don’t want to compete in Spelling Bees.
- They’ve never asked to do school on a weekend.
I’m sure you’ve read stories of Sonlight kids absolutely begging to do school – choosing to do Sonlight over playing outside, watching Saturday morning cartoons or even opening Christmas presents! Those stories are real and they happen with surprising frequency. (Okay, I doubt the Christmas one happens often, but it has happened at least once.)
But even if your kids don’t wake up and beg you to start school, they might still have that precious desire to learn.
12 Clues That Your Kids Actually Do Love to Learn
It's important to celebrate those sparks of a love of learning where you see them! So step one is identifying the signs. Here are clues that your kids are gaining a love of learning:
- Your wiggle worms might not sit still as you read, but they will eagerly put on their superhero costumes and jump on their mini-trampoline while they listen.
- They might happily accept an invitation to help with your grown-up tasks – letting you teach them to cook, fix things, sew or build.
- Your kids can enjoy a museum once they’re there.
- They ask you to read another chapter in your Read-Aloud even though you’ve finished the day’s assigned reading.
- They ask you for a nightlight so they can stay up reading before going to sleep.
- You notice they’re asking more thoughtful questions and making connections about how the world works.
- You check on the kids in the backyard and overhear them re-enacting history, “No, I get to be Harriet Tubman this time and you be the person I’m helping escape.”
- Their faces light up when a Science experiment works.
- They often ask you to help them look something up online or in a book.
- If they’re old enough, they can spend a few hours working on something of their own—art, computer code, a novel or a LEGO masterpiece.
- You find them tinkering with mechanics or electronics, figuring out how things are put together.
- They generally see the world as a fascinating place!
In other words, kids who love to learn look a lot like normal, rambunctious kids.
They ask questions, they like to figure things out, and they have confidence that they can learn new things.
When you use Sonlight, be ready for this excitement about learning to rekindle (if it’s gone away), to blossom and to grow.
And once your kids love to learn … watch out! There’s no stopping them. They could very well grow up to do whatever God calls them to do.
And isn’t that what we all want? I’m thrilled to help you in the journey. If homeschooling is a new choice for you, learn how Sonlight can help you — and save up to $100 on your curriculum.
Are there really children who like to learn more than play?
I think it is quite real to raise children's interest in learning by giving them interesting material. If you tell them something new that interests them, they will want to go back to studying every day. Sonlight is a great way to do that.