Legitimacy and Feelings of Inadequacy

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Ever get the feeling that you're not a real teacher?

Don't worry: You are a real teacher. You've been teaching your children from day one. You can continue to teach them into formal schooling and beyond if you choose to do so. Sure, you may not be part of the "club" of formal, professional teachers, but you have something they don't: An insider's perspective and a vested interest in the success of your children.

That's huge.

You also have access to tons of excellent homeschool curriculum and homeschool resources. You aren't alone and you don't have to start from scratch.

Also, this is a growth opportunity that just happens to involved the joy of learning with your children! A blog post (and the comments which followed) about making children's monster drawings realistic got me thinking: There's something to be said about the skills we develop as we do something over time. But there's also something cool--and potentially creepy--about seeing what our early attempts can become in the hands of a master. We may feel inadequate, and in many ways we are. But when our work is given to One who can give us legitimacy, our initial scribbles become something much more.

Becoming Real

Which brings me to the reminder that with God's strength and wisdom, we can do this.

May this be a year where we walk ever more in the peace of Christ as He leads us.

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester

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Happy Elf Mom

Even great teachers are inadequate in many ways. They have to teach what the administration/state tells them to, whether they see that is what the children need to learn or not.

I think we should free them at least at the building level with oversight from a principal. All that training does zero if they cannot tailor the curriculum to meet the needs of their classes as we can.


Thanks for this Luke. I needed these words today. God bless you, as you bless others in His name.


Dear Luke, apart from reading some of your responses on NFQ which were very uplifting to me and I will cut and paste them for later use . I have not read any posts except this one on your Blog, but I hope to read many more in the near future... this statement is very True for many .... We may feel inadequate, and in many ways we are. But when our work is given to One who can give us legitimacy, our initial scribbles become something much more ...and when we are empowered by The Holy Spirit we are a People of Power and we Soar.

I commend you Luke for your willingness to stand up for God's Truth but perhaps you may take offense at what I said to N.F.Q about you, but it was not meant in any way to put you down, I respect you and I'm willing to share with you why I'm convicted that we are to stand up against attack, this woman and those like her are slandering God, they are not asking us why we believe what we do, they don't care they just want to put us down but sadly they put down God more then us... how do I know, I had a Ministry to Atheists for a long time and God showed me there are two types, one is that they are confused, the other because they have a hard heart, one we can reach, the other we can't, so what is to be our response, yes we share the Gospel with both, we are planting seeds for those who will understand one day but if rejected we move on.

I hope you understand Luke, you are my Brother in The Lord and I want to help you have a firm footing, I believe you are going to be a voice to those in darkness but who are willing to listen and not argue with you because in their heart they are really searching but have lost their way.

Many Blessings - Christian Love Anne.

Under His Wing

Thanks for all of the posts from your crew the last few days. I have been needing extra post-holiday encouragement. Keep it coming! :)


Oh! Did I need to see this today! Yesterday was our first day back to school after the holidays and it was horrible. I said several times while lamenting the day to my husband that I am just not a teacher. What am I doing? Who do I think I am fooling? Thanks, Luke.


Well said, Luke!!