Whew. I got tired just typing that.
Automatic Blogging Robot
Kathryn Waldron, 2010 Scholarship Winner
On her way to Wheaton College where she plans to major in Economics and Communications, Kathryn took time to share this goodbye letter with us.
If you have students who are looking forward to college, learn how to apply for a Sonlight scholarship!
Dear Sonlight,
Well, you and I are finally parting ways. I'm writing this from the hotel breakfast area as my parents pack up the van for the last leg of our trip to Wheaton College. I'm saying good-bye to homeschooling. After all, it's impossible to homeschool in college.
I'll miss you, Sonlight; we've had many good years together. I remember the thrill of excitement when the UPS man came with your books, and the numerous hours curled up on the couch, just me and you. You allowed me to visit people and cultures that didn't exist anymore - or perhaps had only existed in the author's imagination. And mine.
When I first met you in the fourth grade, I thought our relationship wouldn't work. I loved all your wonderful books, but you were so demanding! Particularly your emphasis on dictation. "Why?" I moaned to Mom. "I can't. It's too hard." I even cried a few times. Looking back, I can see you really had my best interests at heart. It is in part thanks to you that I'm the writer I am today.
Then there was science. Ugh. At the end of the day, it was so easy to say "Well, we'll get to it tomorrow..." or the next day...or next week. I paid for it my senior year, when suddenly everything had to be done and it had to be done now.
Recently our relationship has been especially tumultuous. I wanted to spend time with you but there was so much going on; often I pushed you aside. I was taking classes at the local university and applying to colleges. Graduation day came and I still had a long list of things I'd meant to do with you. Now as we say good-bye, I feel a small pang of regret.
I won't pretend I'm not excited about going off to college, but as I write this I also feel a bit nostalgic about us. Sonlight, I'm so glad I met you. Somehow I know you'll always be a part of me. Perhaps, when I have kids of my own, we'll meet again.
Thank you, Sonlight!
Kathryn Waldron
P.S. What's this? Mom's reminding me I never finished my last paper. Ack!
Waah! I can see "Sonlight" at the living room window, waving goodbye as that van drives away. :)