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nov2At this time of year my thoughts naturally turn toward all the things I have for which to be thankful. And they are numerous. Regardless of my circumstances and what I might be currently going through, when I take time to "count my blessings" I can't. Ever.

So then I tried ranking my blessings. There are the big ones. Salvation, of course, is at the top of the list. Then things like health, and family, and freedom. Blessings most of us enjoy and often take for granted.

After reading One Thousand Gifts earlier this year, I am also more aware of the little blessings which often go unnoticed. Pleasant things like music, the fragrance of flowers, the beauty of nature. Small things that God has provided for our enjoyment.

Somewhere in the middle, between the big blessings and the small ones, fall the material gifts we enjoy... a warm home, a reliable job, food on the table. These things are more temporal. We tend to to take them for granted as well, until our circumstances change. Then they become worries. That's when it's good to remember Who provided them for us in the first place... the One who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

When put in perspective, my blessings far outweigh my worries. And ya know? It's nice to have a day especially set aside to just think about that. Gratefulness itself is a gift.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoying the adventure,
~Karla Cook
Lifelong Learner

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