Finding the Inspiration that Drives Us

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Homeschooling built on great stories ignites the imagination. There is no need to fruitlessly wait for inspiration, this is the spark you find. With these ideas burning in your chest, you tend to be more expressive, boundlessly creative, alight with passion for the possible. I think you see it in your kids.

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As a blogger, I find myself grasping for blogable ideas. But I stumble upon these parched wastelands only when I haven't read anything fascinating recently, or had an interesting discussion, or learned a mind-blowing new tidbit about the world. Give me a glimpse of humanity through the retelling of a event and my mind is fertile. It is only when I claw my way through the humdrum of daily subsistence -- buried beneath an avalanche of laundry, a hailstorm of dishes, the doldrums of a dozen other daily tasks -- that the will to push myself flags. Share something amazing and my drive returns.

I was a creative kid. Not every day, mind you, but often. More often than not. Growing up with such role models as diverse as Horton and Mr. Bowditch, Homer Price and Robert Fulton, Praiseworthy and Milo, how could I not want not change the world for the good? And following in the footsteps of Gladys Aylward, Mother Theresa, and Joanne Shetler, it's easy to find motivation.

Homeschoolers are known for their expressiveness and creative play. I think that inspiration comes from the material we encounter in our homeschool curriculum every single day.

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Guardian

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