Category Archives: Elementary

The Ultimate Summer Reading List For Elementary Students

Summer is here and we have the ultimate summer reading list for your elementary learners. Continue reading

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The Three Rs: Covering the Basics as a New Homeschooler

When you think about a good education, you think about the three Rs: reading, writing and arithmetic. How might you approach these key areas in your children's homeschool education? Here's a basic overview of the foundations you'll want to cover … Continue reading

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Practical Ways to Help Students Enjoy Poetry

Enjoy these practical ways to help your student (from preschool through high school!) enjoy poetry. Continue reading

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Teaching Young Children How to Listen to Read-Alouds

While many children seem to naturally understand the skills that go along with listening to stories, it is not a skill that all children intuitively learn. Since Sonlight is a literature-rich program, developing listening skills is as important as developing … Continue reading

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Being a Scribe for Your Child: The Secret to Easier Homeschool Lessons

Some children love writing and choose to write little notes or annotate pictures they have drawn just for fun. Others are less keen and write only when they must. Reluctance can make writing a battle, and language arts becomes the … Continue reading

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33 Techniques for Better Handwriting

Some children almost seem born to write neatly. From their first letters on, they write carefully and neatly, staying between the lines with enviable precision. Most children, however, need a lot more work to write neatly. Here are techniques to … Continue reading

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Is My Child Learning Enough?

Every homeschool parent occasionally wonders if their children are learning everything they need to know. Since a literature-based learning approach doesn't use traditional testing, it can be even harder to objectively assess what your children are learning.  If you are feeling … Continue reading

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