Building Family Memories

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In this season of Thanksgiving, I want to testify that I am exceedingly grateful for family, as I am sure you are as well. Children are not guaranteed, and in a culture that often finds children a burden, I count my family as a great joy and blessing.

We recently spent nine days together as an extended family – our four children, their spouses, and the eight grandchildren (seventeen of us in all). We shared a home, ate together, enjoyed some adventures, and spent a lot of time talking and being together.

One of my favorite memories was when our youngest granddaughter came to breakfast one day. When she saw us all sitting and eating, she jumped for joy with an ear-to-ear grin. She clearly delighted in spending time with her favorite people.

With three generations living together, I was impressed with how everyone got along. None of us are the same age, as seems to be required in a school setting, and I was again grateful that homeschooling doesn't set those artificial requirements for friendship.

The Holzmann family sharing a meal together
Enjoying a meal together during Family Fun Week

John and I regularly pray that the young generations today will follow the Lord. It was neat to see Him working in each of our young people's lives. As we talked late into the nights, I was so grateful for their openness in sharing their lives with us. What a privilege to get to hear firsthand the struggles and triumphs they face, and how God is working.

Another special treat came on my birthday. My children gathered memories from their childhood, collected them into a bound book and then read their reminiscences out loud. (A good idea for all children!) It was a poignant present that warmed my heart.

John brought some questions to answer, which generated more times of memory-sharing. One question I remember was 'What is your first memory about money related to Dad and then to Mom?' Some questions were hard, yet all were good. I found that the child who had been homeschooled the least had the fewest good memories. Did school damage? Did she feel the least connected with the rest of the family? I think probably a combination. Homeschooling does knit families together.

So be encouraged. Though you are in the midst of the long work to raise and educate your children, that work bears terrific fruit!

Today, I pray you enjoy this time with your family. You, too, are building memories.

With thankfulness to God,

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