After looking over the blogs that were submitted for Sonlight's Blog Day extravaganza, I decided I couldn't possibly leave two blogs out, so everyone will get listed here. So here they are:
1. A new blog: "Homeschooling Apropos." Looks to be a great source for articles that homeschoolers will enjoy.
2. A blog that follows the various thoughts of a homeschooling mom over at "Half Pint House." A little bit of everything over there!
3. Another blog that covers the thoughts and experiences of a homeschooling mom: Ganeidas Nest. I've been following this one for a while.
4. "Reading Circle Books" covers a multitude of subjects including: Reading, Learning, Hoping, Blogging, Being. Plenty of links to articles that inspire thought, laughter or response.
5. "Up on the Roof" contains a bit of everything...pregnancy stories, recipes, theological ramblings, and frugality tips. Things that have made me laugh more than once.
6. Want to read all about farming adventures, homeschooling, quilting, soapmaking, and art school escapades? Look no further! And Sew On!" is the place for you. Lots of fun photos to help you get into the experience.
Now to finish this out:
7. This blog, of course! Can't help but give myself props <smile>.
So, there it is. Hope you had a great Blog Day and Labor Day. Now I'm off to catch up on the 408 posts in my Reader. You bloggers sure do write a lot!
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father
I'm so glad our little Blog Day activity was so enjoyable. I really hope for a better turnout next year. There is also a Sonlight Blogroll on the side of there if you want to check those out as well.
Thanks for the great links. I love when others suggest great sites. Saves me time searching.
Thanks for the links, Luke!
It was fun to put together a list of exceptional and meaningful blogs. We'll have to do it again next year!
Meanwhile, I'm looking for titles on poverty to include in my post for October 15th, 2008, Blog Action Day...
I also suggest that you check out the blogs from the "Other Posts of Note" section on the side here. Many of those blogs are quickly becoming my favorites. I read a ton of blogs, and try to pass on the "best of the best" to those who visit.
Thanks Luke, just what I needed, more blogs to read :) Seriously, we were on the road during the blog hoopla so I appreciate the chance to see some of the best.