Check Out the 1st My Passport to India Video!

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The first My Passport to India video is up. Check it out! But first, a word from me...

Video Sizes and More!

Haven't signed up to get your Welcome Kit? Sign up here.

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester

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Janet - AKA: Latte Lady

Thank you very much Luke! I'd like to see what kind of curriculum you've come up with. My email is homeiscool4u at Yahoo dot com




Oh, and I should mention: I have a forum dedicated to media production on the Sonlight Student Forums if you son has access there. I'm there to answer questions and offer help where I can.



Janet, the best way to get started is to just do it <smile>. Have him start making movies he wants to make.

I've been slowly developing a film curriculum myself in my spare time... but, naturally, that means I haven't made it very far <smile>. I only have the first 9 "weeks" worth of stuff thus far... and I haven't put together helpful resources or tools or examples or anything yet. But, if you'd like me to email you what I've tossed together in raw form to give you some ideas, drop me a line:


Janet - AKA: Latte Lady

We loved our Passport to India video lesson today! We checked out the other resources also.

Hey, I saw that you are a filmmaker. My son (13) is very interested in shooting videos and editing them. He has downloaded a free version of Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 but he only gets it for 30 days.

What do you suggest he does to get started in this? Do you know of any curriculum or ideas for kids to learn filmmaking?

