Please register for Lost in India!

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I loved visiting Children's Bible Clubs last time we were in India. They meet wherever they can. One club gathered in a muddy alley between two buildings, next to flooded rice paddies.

But like all the clubs, John and I were so impressed with what we saw.

A Children's Bible Club in India, just like the ones you'll see in Lost in India.

The children sang with abandon, acted out the words to the songs and recited Bible verses. They clearly adored the young women leading their club. Children in the U.S. love VBS, and I think that love is multiplied in India. Children's Bible Clubs are the most fun these children have ever experienced.

Couple that with the absolute good news of the Gospel, and you have a winning combination.

I am convinced that Children's Bible Clubs change lives in India. They introduce children to Jesus, and the teachers bring joy and hope in many practical ways. More new churches spring up because of the Bible Clubs than through any other ministry Mission India sponsors. When little children come to know Jesus, they take the Good News home to their families who can't help but notice the difference in their children. With this newfound hope, their entire lives change.

I am also convinced that giving can change Sonlight children's hearts. One of Sonlight's goals is to help parents raise up children with a heart for the world. We try to accomplish this through missionary biographies, by focusing on global history and cultures, by praying for the lost, and by very purposefully bringing giving opportunities to our children.

I believe there is a direct link between giving and our hearts. Money is such a part of our lives. As we willingly open our hands in bringing an offering, God brings joy, an adjustment to our naturally selfish attitudes, and a greater compassion for the lost. All terrific fruit!

That's why I am so excited for Sonlight's newest giving project: Lost in India. (Sign up here.) I do hope you join us as we "travel" through India, learn about their culture and help bring the Good News to those who need it most. We're partnering with Mission India for the educational/giving adventure of the year. Join the 2,600 families who have already registered.

This is a wonderful opportunity for your children to participate in something bigger than themselves. They'll learn about a fascinating part of the world through videos, an "adventure kit" and lots of online extras. As we discover a culture so different from our own, we will also raise funds to send kids to Children's Bible Clubs throughout India. Two years ago, we raised enough to send 317,104 children to clubs. This year, we pray that number will be 350,000.

I'm also excited because this project will be just plain fun. After watching the opening trailer for Lost in India, I can't wait to see the rest of the footage.

I also love the double meaning behind the word "lost" in the project's title: Lost in India. While our tour-guide Chris is lost geographically as he travels throughout India, we are reminded of the many who are lost spiritually in this land. May the Lord multiply our collected nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars to impact the hearts and lives of many children (and their families) in India.

Please register today (or at least by September 20) in order to get your "adventure kit" before the videos launch October 8. Registration is completely free and you have no obligation to give.

I look forward to sharing the adventure with you!


P.S. Curious about why Sonlight pursues these projects in the first place? Watch this video (at the bottom of the linked page) where I share my heart for international missions and for encouraging generosity among our children.

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