I found this post very encouraging: Dear Sonlight, thanks for "ruining" my son.
The short version: Reading stories about people like Nathaniel Bowditch and Eli Whitney inspired Katie's son to take up Latin. Latin! As she put it: "Yep, he is ruined for sure. Mediocrity will not suffice."
History provides us with the opportunity to be inspired by those who have gone before us. This is the idea behind the "great cloud of witnesses" described in Hebrews 11. And while I didn't pick up Latin based on the books I read in Sonlight, I was most certainly ruined for mediocrity.
What have your kids risen to based on the things they have read and heard?
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester
<smile> Glad to hear it, Jennifer!
That's exactly how I feel!!! And I wouldn't want it any other way. :-)