You've probably seen them too: The quips about how the world's still here. Turns out we get pretty smug when we're right. "No one knows when the end will come." Seriously, how much clearer can Scripture be?
And it's not like we haven't been here before. For example, allow me to remind you of Calvin and Hobbes's take on the end of the world way back in 1986. And perhaps that's the best reminder: Since we don't know, keep working diligently.
But as I read yet another post about how wrong what's-his-name was, I was struck by the rest of the passage people keep quoting. While the idea that not even Jesus knows the time is something important to remember, we've somehow forgotten the reason why Jesus told us He didn't know: Because we're supposed to be ready and keep watch.
Like the boy who cried wolf, I wonder if all these "false alarms" are actually doing us harm. When the day finally does arrive, will we pay attention? If my reaction this last week is any indication: No. I won't. By midnight, I was contentedly fast asleep, certain the end hadn't come. But what if, at that moment, the bridegroom had arrived?
For all the talk this weekend about Matthew 24:36, I didn't hear a single person actually discuss the signs we're told to consider in the immediate context.
Did you?
I love that homeschooling encourages us to discuss these kinds of things with our children. We can go beyond the pop-culture/Christian snide remarks and allow this to be an opportunity to dig into Scripture.
Did your children have any questions about the end of the world? Do you, like me, find yourself thinking, 'I've still got a long time'?
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester
Artchristie, thanks for sharing! May God continue to redeem these things. And may we all have the wisdom to discern false prophets and help our children study God's Word as we all walk closer to Him.
Thanks, Marcee. And, I agree <smile>.
What a fabulous blog post! I love what you have said artchristie.
I posted this on the SL forum but I think it is important to repeat. Our daughter is actually very upset that someone would lead people astray like this and I discussed with her that this is why we read the Bible and listen to others and then compare it to the Word of God, not just take what someone else says for truth.
In this case it is a bit easier for us to see that this is against the teaching in God's Word - we have studied 2 Thessalonians and even clearer Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." and 25:13 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."
Keep in mind that while we may not have been led astray by this guy there are things that are more difficult for us to understand and we should continue to pray for wisdom from God, thanking Him for opening our eyes to the truth we already have. Without God's help, through the Holy Spirit, we would be blind to this as well. This is why I pray for the followers and try not to be judgmental. I also pray for discernment, wisdom, and understanding in my own reading of the Bible and that I will apply what I read in the way God intended.
Now I pray his followers will be able to move on - that Christians will reach out to them and not shun them - and that they will know true freedom in the grace that the Lord has offered in Salvation through his death and resurrection.
Also, God has used this for good - well at least some good has come out of it. In our community we saw Judgment Day billboards as well as a plane flew over our community with a message flag stating something like Judgment Day, 6:00, May 21st and a website. This got a lot of people talking about what Jesus is NOT about and what Jesus REALLY IS ABOUT. It has been an opportunity to introduce the idea that no, we don't know that the end of the world will happen tomorrow BUT we do know that whatever God's plan - I AM SECURE IN MY SALVATION AND THIS IS WHY... It has been an opportunity to ask others if they need to take a step in faith to become secure in their salvation by accepting God's forgiveness - a debt that Jesus paid on the cross - and know that He wants none to perish... and not so much in preparation for just one day of judgment but in following God's plan for our entire lives as well... Like you said, we can be ready at any moment...