MathTacular... again!

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Well, if you haven't watched the MathTacular3 Trailer recently--oh, it's also on YouTube--you really should. It's really good. And only 50 seconds long. And I made it. And stuff. So, please, check it out. <smile>

Why am I telling you about this?

Well, because we're gearing up to do another one.

Another one.

This means two things:

  1. I'm not going to have as much time for the blogosphere for a while, and
  2. I'm going to be posting about our adventures while making this thing

Today we had a meeting and discussed our plan of attack and started talking over some of the fun madness we're going to bring you. Nothing particularly exciting about a meeting, so there's nothing really to blog about in that regard.

However, at some point very soon--not sure when--I'm not going to have time to go through my blog feed every day (for the next couple of months while we shoot). So, when that day comes, I would love it if you-all would alert me to the posts you think I should read. Please feel free to email me any links that you think would be particularly interesting/important to Sonlight/me... or any of yours you want to make sure I read (because, I will!).

In September, after principal photography is done, I'll be back to reading your posts every day. If I can somehow fit it into my schedule to go through my feed between when we start and when we end, I will, but I'm not holding my breath... there's a ton to do.

So, sorry, friends, but duty calls. And this is an excellent opportunity to remind you that you can email me from the little graphic link on the right there. ...timely, considering recent events, I say <smile>.

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father

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