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Category Archives: Sarita’s Word
Aug. 26, 2010
Choosing to Stay Home
Sarita asked her daughter Jonelle to write this guest column. I was talking with a friend over dinner several weeks back when she said, "I really want to stay home. But it just isn't possible. We really have to have … Continue reading
Jul. 29, 2010
Sonlighters Reaching the World
I'm reading through the Old Testament right now and have been pondering God's breathtaking promise to Abraham in Genesis 12: The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land … Continue reading
Jul. 1, 2010
Homeschool Conventions
Ever since I began Sonlight, I avoided homeschool conventions. I already liked what I used (Sonlight) and I personally found I could use my time more effectively doing other things. But this past month I had the opportunity to speak … Continue reading
Jun. 17, 2010
What Is Education?
Last Thursday, Sonlighter Hannah Keeley interviewed me for her radio show. While she asked a host of great questions, I found her final one particularly intriguing: "Can you give me a big picture overview of what you think education is?" … Continue reading
Jun. 3, 2010
20 Years of Sonlight
Reflections on Twenty YearsTuesday's Virtual Meetup was a huge blessing to me. If you joined fellow Sonlighters for the celebration, thank you! The live chat conversations, feedback and questions (or at least what I could catch of them—since it was … Continue reading
May. 20, 2010
Observations from the Book of Job
More than a year ago, John and I planned a boat trip down the Yangtze River. With a nearly unbearable workload over the past months and the extremely stressful situations we've been through recently, I found myself weary and greatly … Continue reading
Apr. 22, 2010
Thank You
As John and I drove to the airport last Friday to visit our daughter Amy and her family in Virginia, we received a frightening call. Our daughter, Jonelle,was headed to the hospital for an emergency C-section. And, sadly, the doctors … Continue reading