Category Archives: Homeschool Basics

Homeschool 101, getting started, and articles for those new to homeschooling. Here are the basics every homeschool parent wonders about and needs to have clarity on.

Three Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started Homeschooling

I remember the day we started homeschooling. My daughters were first and fourth grade, and besides my high hopes I had two sets of Sonlight boxed curriculum that a friend with older kids had loaned us a detailed schedule  all … Continue reading

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How Does Homeschooling Work? FAQs & Tips for Homeschooling Your Child

You’ve probably heard rumblings about homeschooling for a while. Your best friend’s sister homeschools her children; your husband’s work colleague homeschools his children. There’s no doubt that you’re intrigued by the idea, but you’ve been wondering for a while...How does … Continue reading

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What to Do When Your Homeschool Curriculum Isn’t Clicking

One of the beautiful aspects of homeschooling is how you can tailor the education to your child’s needs (and yours as the teacher). If a child struggles with reading, you can do more read-alouds. If a child hates math, you … Continue reading

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Homeschooling Socialization: FAQs & Tips for Socializing Your Kids

Potlucks at my church are a big deal. We all get together to eat and talk. I like to mix and mingle while others are getting their meal, since the line is always too long anyway. I usually meet three … Continue reading

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Why It’s Worth Lugging Sonlight Across the Globe for My Third Culture Kids

My family started our homeschooling journey 11 years ago with a traditional Christian curriculum. Wait, did I just say that on the Sonlight blog?! Yes, it’s true. Although I am a second-generation homeschooler, I am a traditionalist by nature. I … Continue reading

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Stories from New Homeschoolers: Schools Are Open Again. Now What?

As life is slowly returning to normal after Covid-19 upheaval, it’s natural to start thinking ahead to the next school year. We asked families who chose to homeschool in 2020 because of the pandemic about their plans for educating their … Continue reading

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3 Reasons I'll Keep Homeschooling Even After Covid-19

We sent our kids to public school for the first five years of their education. In many ways, it was a good experience for us. Our kids learned to read and learned their math facts. They performed well on state … Continue reading

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