Cruising through our local Target earlier this week, I was stopped in my tracks by a bright back-to-school display, marking the end of summer and the start of the school year. I have great fun looking at what's new and improved in Target's back-to-school goodies every year. I will admit, I often browse long enough that I end up tossing a couple products in my cart. It gets me thinking about all the new and returning Sonlighters, wondering what their shopping carts will look like this month. Have you created your back-to-school checklist yet?

If you've been in public schools up to now, you are used to having the school provide a back-to-school list, but there's no list for homeschoolers. The good news is that you get to choose only what you'll need, and nothing extra. Since many parents prefer to have a starting point for school supplies, I've put together a back-to-school checklist to help you think through what you'll need for the school year.

1. Sticky Tabs and Notes
Homeschooling or not, life cannot be lived efficiently without a good supply of these gems. Use them as
- bookmarks
- to-do lists for students (and spouses)
- visual reminders of important dates on the family calendar
Did you know you can even use sticky notes to clean up computer keyboards? Just run the sticky edge between the keys to grab all those crumbs and whatever else might be living between the Enter and Shift keys.
And don't even get me started on the endless variety of colors and designs that are available!
2. Pens, Pencils, and Crayons
Although most students today are doing their school work digitally, some writing will happen! Pens dry out, pencils get short or run out of lead and a new box of crayons are an inexpensive and fun way to start out the new year! So much promise in those unused tips!
3. Bins, Tins, and Crates
These storage tools fall under the category of holding stuff. Whether you find some of those cute little metal pails to hold pencils and crayons or choose from the vast array of plastic milk crates for holding books and notebooks, you need something to corral all the materials you need when you homeschool. Each student should have their own and be responsible for making sure their supplies find their way home at the end of every school day.
4. Binders and File Folders
These are also stuff holders but of a different kind. Record keeping is infinitely easier when you know where to find your students' completed work. Colors and designs are without limit, so let your kids express their creative side when purchasing these, or color-code everything for each child.
5. Sticky Stuff
There are all sorts of reasons to need to stick things to other things when you're homeschooling, so having a variety of adhesives and glues is helpful:
- transparent tape
- masking tape
- glue sticks
- school glue
- hook and loop fastener
- adhesive putty
6. Markers, Highlighters, Sharpies
Especially helpful for older students, highlighters are one of the best study tools ever invented. You can never have enough colors. Be sure to check out the gel version!
7. Index Cards
Like sticky notes, index cards have a similar functionality but with a different look and feel. These, too, come in various sizes and colors. Look for the ones joined with a ring or a spiral binding—perfect for note-taking!
8. Computer Supplies
This category includes all those items you need to make the technology in your house run smoothly. Think ink cartridges and printer paper. Keep plenty on hand so that you don't run out of ink when that essay needs to be printed!
9. Paper
While much of our culture is going paperless, there is still good reason to have a supply on hand. In addition to computer paper, you'll want:
- spiral-bound notebooks
- composition notebooks
- packages of 3-hole punched, loose-leaf paper
- construction paper and cardstock (for crafty projects)
10. Assignment Notebooks/Planners
Whether you have a great digital app or prefer the hard-copy version, it's particularly helpful to be able to put your eyes on the week's assignments/expectations. Especially if you are teaching multiple children, an outline that's easy to refer to helps manage the busyness of life.
As your students grow older, an assignment tool of their own will help high school homeschoolers more easily make the transition to independent learning.
I'm sure there are many other items that could be added to my list, but these are my top 10 recommendations.
Have fun with this! Make school supply shopping a part of an annual back-to-school tradition! It's a great way to have a positive start to your school year.
P.S. Of course ... don't forget to order your curriculum, if you haven't already! Here's a Sonlight Shopping List to help.
New to homeschooling? Download this free checklist to make sure you've covered the bases.