Recycle, Reuse, Read

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I'm not exactly the go greener type.

I believe in recycling and making do with older stuff, like my ratty tennies that I wear until they fall off my feet--much to my wife's chagrin. I plant trees in my backyard and we grow squash quite successfully. But "going green" feels political, and I don't like politics. But care for this little blue ball on which we live? Save some money? Be good to others? Absolutely.

And that's why I'm so excited about one of my birthday presents from my wife: A titanium spork.


I got to use it for the first time today at lunch, and it works like a charm.

That's why I'm going to share with you how Sonlight is like my spork.

Just as I can now reuse my spork every day instead of getting out a new plastic one, every single Sonlight curriculum package is reusable with multiple children. Not only can you use Sonlight with multiple children in a single year, but you can also reuse the program years later with another child who wasn't ready for it when you first purchased it.

That's the beauty of Sonlight's Cores: You can reuse--and thereby recycle--your school materials. How do we do it?


Wonderful books, lesson plans, extra notes, a complete (yet flexible) schedule...

Perhaps it's time to trade in the plastic forks of education--worksheets--for the titanium sporks of Sonlight. And if you don't "go green" for yourself, think of the children! <smile>

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father

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[…] begs the question: How long before the Federal Trade Commission decides that they need to watch ThinkGeek reviews and IMDB ratings? Sure, this really does have to do with trade (you're trading your time […]


<smile> I do my best to use creative imagery.



I don't think I've ever heard of someone comparing a homeschooling curriculum to a spork. Very clever.


Doh! Why didn't I realize that! Great point, Julie. That would have been a much better title. ...and if fit the theme better too. <smile>.



cool analogy. Should've made the title "Recycle, Reuse, Reread" cuz, well, you KNOW all those Sonlight books get reread til the cover falls off!! :)


Thanks so much, Robin! We bloggers do so love comments and knowing people read and like what we have to say. least, I sure do <smile>.


Robin E.

I love your analogy; it made me smile. I just felt the need to post a comment, maybe so you will know that people are reading.


Meg, excellent observation! You are right on the money <smile>.

Se7en, absolutely: Homeschooling two (or ten) children isn't that much more expensive than homeschooling one. <smile>

Mrs. C, glad you approve <smile>.

Angie, <smile>.


Angie @ Many Little Blessings

This made me laugh, but it is such a great point! Love it!

Mrs. C

Bwa! That's salesmanship!! Love it.


Hay you! I am all for recycling... The more folk that read a book the cheaper it becomes. Folk often ask us how on earth we pay to educate so many kids and we see it just gets cheaper and cheaper. I think they imagine we buy so many cores every year - but it is just the lead core and a couple of workbooks... really it does get cheaper and cheaper!!!


Me thinks you might be a ThinkGeek fan.