Dear homeschool mom, you will never regret homeschooling your child.
I don't know the reasons why you chose to homeschool your child, but I imagine they aren't too far from mine. At the core, I want more for my children. I want the best I can offer them and the best God has for them. I'm sure you do, too.
But to offer that to them through homeschooling requires sacrifices. The biggest one for me was learning to be selfless. I left my career and stepped back from full-time ministry as a pastor to care for the most important flock God has ever entrusted me with—my children.
It wasn't easy. It was painful at first. I was insecure. I questioned if the sacrifice was worthy. But day after day, I see the fruits of homeschooling and am convinced that the pain, insecurity, and sacrifice is worth it. Here are four reasons why you and I will never regret homeschooling.
1. You Will Never Regret Time Spent With Your Children
The gift of time is irreversible. Although we have time right now, we don't know if we will have it tomorrow. The Bible says our lives are but a vapor (James 4:13-14).
As a mom, you fully understand what it feels like to want to go back in time but realize that you can't. You have looked at your growing children in amazement.
- Where is the baby I was rocking just months ago?
- What happened to the toddler who was here yesterday?
- Who is this child saying such wise things and understanding adult concepts?
- Who is this teenager learning to drive a car?!
Time with our children today is the most precious gift we can ever have.
When you homeschool, you get to claim back more of their fleeting childhood years because you spend more time together.
2. You Will Never Regret the Family Bond that Homeschooling Provides
In these past five years, I've seen my children becoming best friends. They truly have each other's back. They have become a team—a beautiful team, always willing to help each other. Yes, they have their not-so-loving moments, too, but these have become rare moments in our house.
I also see how my heart is complete with them around me all day.
To the mom who is reading this now, thinking she can't be around her kids 24/7 and remain sane, I want to admit that it is not easy some days. But I've become a better mom, and a better person, because of it. Homeschooling is God's sandpaper, I heard once. It's true!
"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14
Let love be the core of your homeschool and the glue that binds your family together. The family bond is one more reason you will never regret homeschooling.
3. You Will Never Regret Building Strong Faith and Values
Homeschooling is discipleship. It is not just academics but an opportunity to teach your child as a whole person, investing in their faith and character training. You, homeschool parent, are their greatest role model. As you teach your children day in and day out, they are watching your actions, reactions, and words—learning from your example as much as from your instruction.
There is no greater mission for a parent than to fulfill the greatest of all commandments.
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." - Deutoronomy 6:4-9.
Faith building is our ultimate priority in the lives of our children and another reason you will never regret homeschooling your children.
4. You Will Never Regret Time Invested In Their Custom-Made Education
If you have more than one child, you are keenly aware that each child is unique in personality, in preferences, and in they way they learn.
- I have a little engineer who spends most of his time building. He loves math and hates writing although he loves reading.
- I have a ballerina who will dance her way around the house doing pirouettes. She loves music, playing the piano, singing, doing crafts, and writing her own stories.
- And I also have the future medical doctor of the house. She is only five years old but absolutely loves all things science and is fascinated by the human body.
Becoming a student of my children enables me to customize their education in a way that delights them. And I get to learn more about them and love them in fresh ways as I see new facets of their personalities.
Last year I wrote a list of 31 reasons I love homeschooling. Having that list handy reminds me why I started and why this is the best decision I have ever made for my family. Have you ever made a list of all of your reasons for homeschooling—why you love it and why you made this decision for your family? I am sure if you do, you will find your very own reasons to never regret homeschooling.
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